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Jews in Baden-Baden: Chronicle

1267 First mention of Jews in Margraviate Baden
1524 Margrave Philipp I., influenced by a humanistic mind-set, incorporates a large number of Jews in Margraviate Baden.
1584 Margrave Philipp II. of Baden-Baden expels all Jews except the two richest families.
1609 The identity of the first Jewish spa guests proven.
1681 Document mentions the first ever protection of Jews in the city of Baden-Baden.
1714 First comprehensive and consistent regulation of the rights and duties of Jews in Margraviate Baden by “Judenverordnung” (“Regulations for Jews”) from August 1st, 1714.
1808 The 6. Constitutional Edict declares Jews from Baden as hereditary-free, i.e. they may acquire property and carry on trade and commerce and take over state offices in the executive branch.
1809 Weinbrenner builds the new “Armenbad” (“Bath for the Poor”) in the city of Baden-Baden, where Jews are also admitted to the third-class section.
1816 For the first time a Jewish inn is discovered in documents.
1848 Jews receive equal rights from the state in the Grand Duchy Baden: admission to the civil service, eligibility to select representatives, but still no equal status in civil rights.
1862 In October, complete legal equality granted to the Jews in Baden-Baden.
1867 18. Opening of the Israelite prayer room in the Baldreit Inn in Baden-Baden.
1899 Inauguration of the synagogue built by Ludwig Levy.
1913 22nd of June: Baroness Mathilde von Rothschild from Frankfurt donates a rehabilitation home for poor women and girls of Israelite faith, who were in need of treatment.
1919/20 Anti-Semitic event and violence in Baden-Baden
1921 Opening of the cemetery donated by the Lehmann family.
1930 Coalition against the local branch of NSDAP
1937 20th of January: It is forbidden for Jewish citizens and guests to visit thermal baths, to trade and to purchase land.
1938 10th of November: Destruction of the synagogue; deportation of 52 Jewish men to the Dachau concentration camp.
1940 Deportation of fellow Jewish citizens to Auschwitz.
1947 March: The French occupying power arranges the establishment of a Jewish prayer room in the studio of the sculptor Joseph von Kopf, on Werderstrasse 2 (today`s synagogue); this prayer room is made available to the remaining fellow Jewish citizens.
1956 Re-foundation of the Jewish Community.
1992 21st of May: Re-inauguration of the prayer room – renovated in the meantime – on Werderstrasse 2. The prayer room was not used for a long time, because the minimum number of men was not met. Today the Jewish religious community includes more than 300 members.




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